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Cad Download REPACKs Architect

Many consumers assume that the fees paid to their architect include access to all the electronic files associated with their project. This is generally not the case. Unless the client architect agreement makes specific reference to the provision of editable files, the NSW Architects Registration Board holds the view that there is no obligation for the architect to provide editable, vector-based CAD files.

Cad Downloads Architect

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However, in practice there may be instances when a home owner may wish for a person to access and modify CAD files that have been prepared by the architect. This may be because a home owner may wish to use another architect to commence the next phase of work, or may wish to provide a builder with a copy of the files prior to commencing on site.

In these instances, the Board advises the home owner and architect to negotiate copies to be provided. Why? Because many home owners assume that the fees paid to their architect includes access to all the files associated with preparing the drawings required for Development Application, tendering or similar. This is generally not the case.

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Originating in the 1960s, CAD is a method of mocking up designs in 2D and 3D simulations. The 1990s gave rise to tools like CATIA and AutoCAD, making computer-aided design accessible to a variety of sectors. The most common professionals who leverage CAD include engineers, architects and construction workers.

Whether CAD is applied to architecture, engineering or construction, it has changed design processes forever. Experimenting with situational data virtually can help professionals forecast errors and improve quality. Enhanced quality helps reduce waste and render systems more productive. is a community of architects, designers, manufacturers, students and a useful CAD library of high-quality and unique DWG blocks. In our database, you can download AutoCAD drawings of furniture, cars, people, architectural elements, symbols for free and use them in the CAD designs of your projects!

Welcome to our architect resource page. Below you will find PDFs of our most common products and configurations. Additional live CADs or PDFs from our extensive library are available to assist you in your designs and planning. If you need additional drawings as live CADs, require something more job-specific or have technical questions, please call 1-800-559-9995 or email

I work for a large development firm where we have a project that has several buildings designed by numerous architects. I have been able to obtain architectural, structural and MEP drawings in CAD format from all but one of the architect's. He is claiming that these drawings are his "intellectual property" and has charged my firm thousands of dollars to obtain only 9 drawings out of a set of 75. His firm has been paid in full for their services. A company that has bought the actual building from us is in need of these drawings to do their build-out. What is the correct procedure for this situation?

they (drawings) are the instruments of service and they can be only used and reproduced in relation to said project/contract. they belong to architect and their use by the owner is on a temporary licence.the other architects might have released the cad drawings to be nice to potential client (your co.) but this guy says no to free lunch and he/she is rightful to do a nut shell. look inside an aia contract b-141, aggreement btwn owner and is not 'intellectual prop' issue it is 'instruments of service' thingy.. i might be corrected though.

I'm suprised that you have been able to get CAD files from all the other architects. The "intellectual property" clause is common in contracts - particularly with private clients.The non-cooperating architect has no obligation at all to provide you (or your client) with drawings. The exception to that is if that architect's original client was actually your client, AND the original contract stated that the architect would provide "copies of drawings for reference purposes" or something to that effect.Your choices at this point are to continue to attempt to negotiate with this architect to get whatever drawings you need from him, at a reasonable price, or to go without these drawings - perhaps by providing field-measuring services by your own firm or by hiring someone else to measure and document existing conditions. Have you tried asking to purchase a hard copy (paper copy) of the architect's set? This is usually more acceptable to the original architect (my firm will never provide CAD drawings but will usually provide a paper set as long as there is no confidentiality clause in the original contract that would prevent it.)If you do get a paper set, you could have it scanned and converted into CAD line drawings for about $100 per sheet.

Thanks for the responces. I thought as much was the case. Being the landlord and providing a shell building for the tenant buying the building, it would be their hired architect to, as someone said," pull out the measuring tape".

I do have as built drawings as hard copies. Obviously the tenant's architect wants to save time and money by not having to field measure. They just want to grab and plug existing drawings of the building into their build-out set and finish. From what I understand, architects usually will send floor plans and elevations free of charge as dwg. But any thing else is a judgment call, (to be awarded future projects). We have worked with this architect on many projects over the years and I have in my procession almost all of their CD's in dwg. format on disc. We have always had a good relationship with all of the architects we work with so apparently he has become disillusioned with our relationship, therefore the big price tag.

the tennants architect really should verify all existing conditions, even if you have drawings from previous architect. Having the drawings does help though.I would suggest obtaining a paper set from said architect, having the tennants architect make a copy of the paper set for their use, but verify the conditions.sameolddoctor - the building department keeps a record set that anyone can look at, the record set becomes public information. However, they will not allow you to take the set from their office, or make copies.

Architects usually provide cad drawings as a courtesy or marketing tool. Apparently this architect sees no probable return for his courtesy. No architect wants to be another "company's" drafting service.The "Owner" always has a better chance of receiving cad info, but only on the first request. If there has been a change in ownership, cad drawings, as standard practice, are part of the contract.Some city building departments allow in-house copying. I now question that legality...

It would be really foolish of the tenant's architect not to measure anyway. First off, there's really no such thing as "as-builts". Hopefully the architect who did the set that you've got a hard copy of didn't actually represent them to you as "as-builts" - if he did his insurance company rep would probably love to give him a lecture on that. The first architect most likely had a bunch of language in his contract about how his drawings are NOT to be considered "as-builts" or "record drawings", and that unforeseen conditions and/or changes during construction and/or deliberate or inadvertent straying from the construction drawings can result in conditions that are not represented accurately in the construction drawings.Usually if an owner (or end user, or developer, or whatever) really needs accurate drawings of current conditions they will hire a firm to do "survey drawings.) This is what you, or your tenant, or your tenant's current architect, should do now.The firms I've worked in all refuse to give CAD drawings to anyone but consultants directly involved in the project. I would not press this issue with a firm that does not want to provide these!

It works both ways. i've had a boss (architect/firm partner) who basically asked me (lowly intern) to trick an engineering consultant into giving up the MEP CAD files. All we had were the hard copies, but the architect wanted to make some simple last-minute changes and have the drawings reflect them without hiring the engineer all over again. It was a messy pro-bono project for a charitable organization, so from a karma perspective it all went towards a good cause, but I don't know what the legal/copyright/whatever ramifications are. The consultant didn't care anyway.

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To start an architectural visualization project, the best option to speed up the modeling stage is to use a CAD file provided by your client or one designed by yourself. With a CAD file containing the technical drawings of the project, we can focus only on the modeling and not worry too much on precision or measurements. Everything will be at least on the same proportion with the CAD file. In Blender 3D we can import DXF files containing technical drawings, but there scripts to allow the use of DWG files directly as well. Last week I was talking to a friend that wishes to use Blender for architectural modeling, but always staring from a CAD file.

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