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Bulat Tretyakov
Bulat Tretyakov

Vele Student Of The Year

Terminally ill and on his deathbed, former Dean of St. Teresa's College, Yogendra "Yogi" Vashisht, requests to see the students from his last batch. Some of them arrive to meet him and hold themselves responsible for the lively Dean having fallen ill. The film then goes into a flashback set ten years back.

Vele Student of the Year

Rohan "Ro" Nanda is a handsome, popular guy in the college and the son of its trustee, tycoon Ashok Nanda. Ashok wants him to be a businessman like his elder son Ajay and dislikes his passion for music. Shanaya Singhania, a rich and highly popular girl in the college, is his girlfriend. She feels dissatisfied due to his constant flirting with Tanya Israni, another student and her nemesis. Abhimanyu "Abhi" Singh, a new student coming from a middle-class family, who wants to become rich like Ashok, soon becomes the college's heartthrob. Abhi is an orphan whose grandmother is the only person who he truly loves in his life. He and Ro initially do not get along but soon become best friends after a football match. Ro introduces him to Shanaya, reminding him to not get involved with her, but Abhi maintains that he is not interested. Kaizad "Sudo" Sodabottleopenerwala, a student who Ro is repulsive to, has a lot of admiration for Abhi, and in the process, he too becomes part of Abhi's, Ro's and Shanaya's circle.

The final round of the competition is a triathlon. Abhi, in the lead, during the end, surprisingly slows down, resulting in Ro winning the competition. Ro, however, declines to accept the award citing personal reasons. After Rohan steps down, Yogi is heavily berated by Sudo, who talks about how the Student of the Year competition has always been rigged from the start. Sudo says that the competition broke their friendship of two years and was unfair to people like Sudo, who wasn't as popular or attractive as Abhi or Rohan. After finishing his speech, he storms out. This causes Yogi to eventually retire. The students soon graduate and lose contact with each other.

Tata Motors, the on-ground promotion partner for the film, launched the 'Nano Student of the Year' contest[12] judging students on academics, culture, sports, and social life. The top 8 finalists competed for the 'Nano Student of the Year' title.

Giving the film 3/5 stars, Anupama Chopra of Hindustan Times wrote, "He [Karan Johar] creates fantastical worlds brimming with beautiful people and expensive things and yet anchors them in high emotion. His films work as both designer-porn and soap-opera." She also praised the performance of the cast.[19] Saibal Chatterjee of NDTV gave the film 2.5/5 stars, commenting that "Student of the Year definitely isn't the film of the year. But if you like your entertainment to be served up with glitzy but pulpy garnishing, pirouette your way to the nearest screen by all means."[20]

We received 12 hours of allocated programming, the same as last year. However, we do not have any collaborative programs this year but have five symposia under review. We will also have the Walk a Mile initiative and awards sessions. We will add the social hours and breakfast. We also have under review three skill-building sessions, one critical conversation, and 42 posters. Most of reviews are complete. We will determine program acceptances in next several weeks and create that schedule. We will also have our usual executive committee meeting on Thursday and social hour Thursday night.

Students will be trained for processing the recorded spectra and solving the structures of organic compounds using multipulsed NMR experiments and modern mass spectrometry methods. Moreover, students will be able to prepare and profiling samples of complex mixtures in various matrixes by advanced instrumental methods.

The meeting will see sessions to update Finance Ministers on the APEC year as promoted and sponsored through PNG's theme of "Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future". In a bid to get some wider understanding of what the meeting is all about, the Department of Treasury has helpfully published a media release explaining the priorities for the past year. There is more about the topics (things like financing infrastructure, financial inclusion, international tax cooperation and the like) as well as the workings of the Finance Ministers' Process available here for those who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the background.

However, the biggest challenge for PNG's Finance Ministry, our Treasurer and our government is deciding whether all or any of the priorities from the year's discussions will make a meaningful impact on domestic policy and legislation.

De CursusPlanner heeft als doel om de student te helpen bij het samenstellen van zijn vakkenpakket. Met de CursusPlanner kan snel en overzichtelijk gezocht worden naar vakken, ook van andere opleidingen.

De laatste decennia betekenden een revolutie in de behandeling van patiënten met beginnende Rheumatoïde Arthritis (RA). In het verleden werden deze patiënten voornamelijk conservatief behandeld. De behandeling werd pas opgedreven naarmate de ziekte escaleerde met belangrijke structurele schade en verlies van functionaliteit als gevolg voor vele patiënten met RA. Tegenwoordig is het duidelijk dat vroege intensieve behandeling met een vooropgesteld behandelingsmikpunt leidt tot uitstekende klinische resultaten voor de meeste patiënten. Ten eerste is aangetoond dat hoe eerder de behandeling wordt opgestart bij een patiënt met vroege RA, hoe beter de resultaten zijn voor de patiënt. Er was echter voor aanvang van deze thesis geen informatie beschikbaar over de orde van grootte van de behandelingsvertraging in Vlaanderen. Ten tweede is onderzocht hoe betrouwbaar de op dit moment beschikbare prognostische factoren zijn voor het voorspellen van de ernst van de ziekte en de repons op behandeling bij de individuele patiënt, om zo nefaste ziekteuitkomsten zoals structurele schade te vermijden. Algoritmen die deze klassieke prognostiche factoren combineren, om zo de arts bij te staan in zijn keuze van een behandeling waren nog niet getest in de dagelijkse praktijk. Ten derde bestaan er vele intensieve behandelingsopties bij beginnende RA. Wat de exacte inhoud van deze intensieve behandeling is, is nog steeds voer voor debat.

In chapter 2, we firstly showed that composite algorithms using classical prognostic markers to predict structural damage in patients with early RA could not be reliably used in daily practice. No patients that developed rapid structural damage could be correctly identified by using these composite algoithms. Further in chapter 2, we showed that a combination of classical DMARDs with a GC bridging scheme seemed more effective than DMARD monotherapy in achieving higher remission rates and less radiographic progression after two years of treatment in our observational early RA cohort. Patients in this cohort were selected by the treating physician based on the presence of classical prognostic factors to receive a more conservative therapy if the RA profile of the patient seemed less severe at baseline. Hence, classical prognostic factors seem at the moment unreliable to base treatment choice upon in daily practice.

In chapter 3, we presented the results of the CareRA RCT, showing firstly that in patients with poor prognosis markers after 16 weeks of treatment DMARD combinations with a high or moderate dose glucocorticoid (GC) remission induction scheme were not superior to Methotrexate (MTX) only with a moderate dose GC remission induction scheme. The efficacy of the three compared treatment strategies was similar. Yet, the safety profile was more advantageous for MTX only with a moderate GC scheme. Furthermore, we showed that MTX monotherapy with a moderate dose GC remission induction scheme seems more efficacious than MTX monotherapy without GCs in patients presenting without poor prognosis markers after 16 weeks of treatment. Most remarkable was the comparable safety profile between both treatments. Lastly, we investigated the efficacy and safety in the CareRA trial after one year of treatment for both patients with or without poor prognosis. The results confirmed the findings at week 16.

A student of law is not predestined to become a lawyer, a magistrate or a notary public. Legal experts also find employment in government services or in politics. Our programme covers various branches of the law and offers a variety of legal issues and case studies. 041b061a72

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