What Is The Best Glock Pistol To Buy
First, what is a Glock? In short they are polymer framed, striker fired pistols originally manufactured in Austria and imported to the U.S. in 1986. It was the first commercially successful pistol with an injection molded polymer frame and the handgun world has never been the same.
what is the best glock pistol to buy
MOS stands for Modular Optics System. Models with an MOS designation have the slide cut to accept optics via a series of plates that come with MOS pistols. These plates are adapters to allow mounting the most popular micro red dot sights like the Trijicon RMR, Leupold Delta Point, various Holosuns, etc. Think of the MOS plates as scope mounts specific to the most popular micro red dots on the market.
Glock pistols are now in their 5th generation. The Gen 3 and Gen 4 pistols are still available from the factory. There were only minor differences between the 3rd and 4th generations, but there are significant differences between the 5th generation and what came before. The Gen 5s have the following improvements:
Glock has more models of 10mm than any other pistol manufacturer with some real standouts. Recently Outdoor Life determined that a 10mm auto is a better bet against bears than even the vaunted .44 Mag. Currently all Glock 10mm pistols are Gen4 configurations.
The .45 G.A.P. was developed to give .45 Auto ballistics in a cartridge that would fit into the same size frame as the 9mm Glocks (the G20 and G21 have larger grips to accommodate the double stack magazines of the .45 Auto and 10mm Auto). If you really like the .45 Auto ballistics but want a bit smaller pistol, this might be the cartridge for you. All .45 G.A.P. pistols are Gen 3 models.
The Glock G17 is still the standard by which all full-sized striker-fired polymer-framed duty pistols are judged. That said, 2023 brings a notable upgrade to the G17 format with the commercial release of the Glock G47, which is poised to replace the G17 in the Glock handgun lineup.
Time was the standard G19 would be a shoo-in for this category, but it is clear the trend toward optics-ready pistols is here to stay. With that in mind the Glock G19 MOS, which comes with multiple mounting plates for various reflex sights, is the way to go. The only downside to the MOS versus the original is the higher price tag.
While the G19 is the default best Glock for concealed carry, you can see that Glock has a lot more to offer than their ubiquitous 9mms. Their cartridge selection combined with pistol configurations do in fact have something from almost any need, from deep concealment to hunting and even bear defense.
Everyone list the G19 as the best. The G26 is the correct answer in 9mm. 10rounds to 33rounds. G30 .45 power but less snappy than a G27. G21 .45 or 10mm with a conversion barrel Note: Gen4 in a G21 offers a slimmer grip (like a SF)and a better recoil spring design. As for the G43... Why? trigger sucks and 6rd count is sad, the Sig p365 is so much better of a gun 10rds, size, with a better trigger . One thing never mentioned in any Glock articles is Glock perfection is only achieved after you change to a 3.5 connector and a extended controls with Night sites also. YMMV
I picked up a glock 48mos last month and stock its maybe the most accurate semi auto pistol I have. I was blown away. And I own a 17C that shoots flat as hell. It since has had a swampfox sentinel and threaded barrel with a tyrant comp so it's even better.
I love the glock line up. I love the G20 in 10mm im a big boi so I want a big bullet. But when it comes to canceled carry im going with the 19. Its just a perfect range gun with my lady who also shoots it. Glock needs to make some future changes. Not just size and calibers but one with innovative materials maybe 3d printing titanium or carbon fiber for frames the costs are coming down. Just don't the glock to end up like the 1911. A classic but not as practical I guess. Its time for innovation. Anyone else agree? Its getting into tye same time periods where other designers are taking the lead
You didn't mention a Glock 22lr pistol. I have a Glock 44, 22lr. I use it for my league shooting! a little picky on ammo I have to use a high velocity, 40 gr to avoid misfires. But I recommend it for a plinker.. I can practice a lot more with 22lr ammo
People might think me crazy for saying but I'm a fan of the glock 22 ... not only is it a forty but I have 2 conversion barrels to change it to 9mm and one for 357 sig.. 150 for each barrel and for 450 dollars I bought the postols... but 750 $ and I have 3 guns in 1.. can't do that with but 2 glocks 22 and 23.. pretty sure..
You kissed off the best carry gun as an afterthought -- the G42.With an ETS nine-round magazine and Xgrip shim you've got 10 rounds aboard a gun that barely weighs a pound fully loaded. The expanded magazine also provides a much better grip on a gun whose stock grip is too small for total control.Loaded with 90 gr. Underwood Ammo's Xtreme Penetrators from Daniels Defense at 1200 fps, the .380 ACP competes very favorably with 9mm.I wouldn't recommend the G42 for strolling around drug- and gang-infested neighborhoods but in my opinion 10 rounds should take care of thugs pretty much anywhere else.
the article says the 42 is a single stack. my 42 is a double stack.i always thought glocks were ugly and never planned to buy one but i was in the store looking to get a taurus spectrum last week and ended up taking home the glock instead. of all my 6 handguns the 42 is the most pleasurable and accurate to shoot at short distances.
Your G42 would be the only double-stack G42! Glock only produces the G42 in single-stack, the double-stack .380 pistol from Glock is the G25 and it is not sold in the USA. You might want to double-check your Glock ;)
I have never shot a glock I am sure they are nice to shoot and reliable as well but I think I can have a carry weapon that is plenty reliable for a lot less money like the ruger security 9 compair it to the gl 19 just as reliable no where as ugly and almost half the price that does it for me keeping in mind I am allowed to change my mind if I ever have the chance to fire one
Was waiting with bated breath until I read your mention of the G20. You went and saved the best for last. Why settle for anything less?That said, I am looking to pick up a G21/45 upper and LW conversion barrels so I can shoot every major caliber out of this platform in the future. Doesn't hurt to have options.But if I find a G40/10 upper first, then I'm nabbing that, instead. Bring on Glockzilla! Options are overrated, anyway.
I have 2 GLOCK 21's 1 iis from the 80's and it still workd=s perfectlly !!! i have a compact 40,2 glock 19x's and an older compact 9. a sub compact 9,40 for ankles. my family was strically 1911's. once I showed them what glock can do now they own glocks.
I too bought a 19x about a year ago. I had mixed feelings about it until I put about 500 rounds through it during the course of several range trips. Simple put, this is a great pistol! (On another point; the magazines also work extremely well in my Ruger PC9 Carbine.)
Glock 19 comes in locks of flavors and generations, the newest being Gen 5. While Gen 3 is likely the most popular due to aftermarket options and some states being limited to Gen 3, the Gen 5 is a much better pistol.
Glock manufactures a full line of pistols in every major caliber. They do an outstanding job of covering all the bases in terms of shooting needs. But, say you could only purchase one Glock (this would be tragic, but hypothetically), which one would be the top one to get?
The compact sizes are the most versatile Glock pistols. Glock was the only manufacturer to make a pistol in this size for a long time. But other manufacturers have gotten on board with this size profile in the last decade or so.
What is the best Glock pistol? Gaston Glock developed the Glock pistol in 1981 after making knives for the Austrian military. Glock labels its pistols with G and numbers. (G19, G21, G43, for example.) They base the numbers on the patent. The Glock 17 was the first firearm patented, and the model numbers go up from there.
Glocks are one of the most popular brands in the firearms industry. They make pistols for concealed carry, law enforcement, competition, plinking, hunting, self-defense, and many more applications. The best size and caliber pistol for you varies based on how one wants to use the pistol. Here is a detailed breakdown.
The Glock 19 is the best overall Glock due to its ability to fill various roles for end users. The Glock 19 is small enough to conceal easily yet large enough to make shooting fast and accurate. If one were to tell us that they could only purchase one gun, this would be our pick. The Glock 19 can be carried with you all day, every day, whether in a concealed carry or duty capacity. It can accept lights, lasers, and red dot optics, making it an ideal choice for home defense where you will most likely need it at night. If you can only purchase one Glock, this is the Glock to buy whether you want to use it for home defense or personal protection while going about your day. The aftermarket parts, including holsters and magazines, can be found easily anywhere at an affordable cost. The Glock 19 is known for its incredible reliability and durability, and it will serve you just as well as it has done special operators, Soldiers, and Police officers around the globe.
In recent years the advent of the high capacity micro-compact pistols took the concealed carry pistol world by storm. Micro-compact concealed carry pistols offer much slimmer size options than traditional double-stack polymer pistols. Despite the decrease in size, these pistols offer full-length grips and higher capacities, making them ideal choices for concealed carry. Now you do not have to sacrifice capacity, concealability, or shootability in your everyday carry. The Glock 43X and 48 pistols are Glocks micro-compact concealed carry options that give you the reliability, durability, and shootability of other Glock models while maintaining a slim profile for comfortable carry and increased concealability. The 43X and 48 pistols have the same size frame and differ slightly in slide length. Some users prefer the 43x due to the ease of concealing the weapon on smaller statured frames or carrying concealed outside the waistband where slide length holds more weight in making a firearm concealable. Other concealed carriers prefer the 48 due to its increased slide length leading to a longer sight radius for more accuracy. For larger persons that carry inside the waistband, the longer slide also keeps the gun tucked closer to the body preventing the butt of the gun from protruding. The longer the firearm, the farther down it can go under the belt to tilt the handle back into the body, making it more concealable for some people. Regardless of your body style or carry position, one of these guns will work for you. If you like to carry light, optics, and lasers, both models are also offered in variants with a light rail and a milled Glock MOS optics cut. 041b061a72